
Blogger doesn't really have categories, so to have them I just use their labels (tags) and put links to certain labels in the sidebar so when they are clicked on you'll get a list of all posts with that label.

Problem: apparently that sidebar and none of its widgets show in the mobile version of the site. Only the pages show. So in order to allow you to select a category of posts I am linking to the categories here:

App Reviews - Reviews of mobile apps, mainly for Android phones and tablets.

Movie Night - Featured movies you can stream or download.

Movie Reviews - Reviews of movies, duh. ;)

Where's My Phone? - Rants, opinions, editorials and miscellany.

Consumer Ed - Insider secrets of retail, sales, advertising and scams.

As I add categories I'll post links here.

Coming Soon:

Pop Culture Attic (name pending) - Pop culture, vintage video games & computers.